Father in heaven, you are the only true and living God. I desire this day for you to be the Lord of all my life. I come to you committing and surrendering my entire being to you. You are my creator, my life and my reason for being.
Knowing how desperately wicked and deceitful my heart can be, I ask you to reveal to me any hidden bitterness in my life. I want to hold nothing back from myself regarding any unforgiveness that I may still harbor in my heart. I willingly choose to release any and all issues with any individual or situation to be totally forgiven and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, completely forgotten, never to be brought up again.
My Father, I confess bitterness toward you in regards to your sovereignty in my life. I submit myself to your perfect wisdom and will in all matters of my existence as a son of man here on the earth. I renounce the urge in my soul to resist and rebel against any of your dealings in my life through any person or situation. It is not for me to tell you what is best for me. I want this day and from now on to release this into your loving hands.
I do willingly, by choice, forgive these persons: (Names)
I also choose to forgive these past traumatic and abusive events in my past: (Describe)
I choose this day to completely deny myself and take up my cross and follow Jesus, my Savior and Your Son.
In the power of the name and blood of Jesus Christ my deliverer, I cast down every lie of logic and renounce every false imagination in my mind and, from henceforth, seek to bring every thought into captivity to the knowledge of Christ. I confess I now have the mind of Christ.
Father, I ask you for the strength to no longer manifest anger regardless of what I encounter with people and situations in the future. Make me ever aware that it is my choice about how I respond, and may I, in the strength of the Christ that’s within me, react in love.
Instead of turning bitter, I determine to count it all joy when I come into various trials, knowing full well that the testing of my faith will produce patience and I believe that it will do a perfect work me.
Thank you, Father, for your patience with me and love for me.
In the name of Jesus, I pray.
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Father in heaven, you are the only true and living God. I desire this day for you to be the Lord of all my life. I come to you committing and surrendering my entire being to you. You are my creator, my life and my reason for being.
Knowing how desperately wicked and deceitful my heart can be, I ask you to reveal to me any hidden bitterness in my life. I want to hold nothing back from myself regarding any unforgiveness that I may still harbor in my heart. I willingly choose to release any and all issues with any individual or situation to be totally forgiven and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, completely forgotten, never to be brought up again.
My Father, I confess bitterness toward you in regards to your sovereignty in my life. I submit myself to your perfect wisdom and will in all matters of my existence as a son of man here on the earth. I renounce the urge in my soul to resist and rebel against any of your dealings in my life through any person or situation. It is not for me to tell you what is best for me. I want this day and from now on to release this into your loving hands.
I do willingly, by choice, forgive these persons: (Names)
I also choose to forgive these past traumatic and abusive events in my past: (Describe)
I choose this day to completely deny myself and take up my cross and follow Jesus, my Savior and Your Son.
In the power of the name and blood of Jesus Christ my deliverer, I cast down every lie of logic and renounce every false imagination in my mind and, from henceforth, seek to bring every thought into captivity to the knowledge of Christ. I confess I now have the mind of Christ.
Father, I ask you for the strength to no longer manifest anger regardless of what I encounter with people and situations in the future. Make me ever aware that it is my choice about how I respond, and may I, in the strength of the Christ that’s within me, react in love.
Instead of turning bitter, I determine to count it all joy when I come into various trials, knowing full well that the testing of my faith will produce patience and I believe that it will do a perfect work me.
Thank you, Father, for your patience with me and love for me.
In the name of Jesus, I pray.