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Prophetic Words





Words during Noon Time Prayer on 

Friday, July 9, 2021


Abigail Bell:  I see in the spirit realm people coming from the north, the south, the east and the west. And they're not even going to know why they're headed this way. But that the light is shining out, and I am bringing them here. That is why I'm preparing you. That is why I'm making you ready that it won't overwhelm you with the good or the bad. But that I'm preparing you...I'm preparing you for the onslaught. I'm preparing you for what is about to come...because it will be all about Me. It will be about you giving to others. It will not be about self. 


So at this time now, I am renewing you. I am giving new. I am restoring. I am doing in each of you what will be needed for when I bring the people here. So, be strengthened. For I am God and what I have set forth will take place. Watch and see what I will do.


Interpretation of Tongue through Abigail Bell


Abigail Bell: Who am I?  WHO AM you? Who am I to those out there? Yes, I'm God, but do you know WHO I AM? Do you really seek Me to know Me and to know what I'm about...what I'm about to do? Yes, many people say, He's God. Which god? Where's God? Who am I? But I say again, who am I to you? Who am I as God?


Eliah Alvarez: ...right when you clapped your hands, it was like He was saying, It shall come to pass what I've called forth to be before the foundation of the world. I shall have My people upon this land and My Kingdom shall come. My Kingdom will be! My Kingdom will be...and it will be with My people who look to Me. For I am God! I am the great I am! My Kingdom shall come upon this earth with and through My people.


Elizabeth Alvarez: The sense that he was saying, Don't try to figure it out how I'm going to do I'm going to make all things new. Don't try to figure it out. Just look to Me for I will surely do it and I'll do it in My time and in My way.


Linh Vo: I have Psalm 91 verses 1-7. - (add words) God with all your heart and He will deliver you from all the trouble coming.


Jim Guehlstorf: The only thing I got from your tongue was He was emploring His people to do something. That's all I got. He was emploring His people, but it was maybe nothing more than trusting Me in all you do.


Micah Bell: In light of that Jim, what I'm hearing is, it's time to really get serious like we never have before. And Realize that all there is in our future is what is God. And man's looking to this, looking to that and worrying about the price of gasoline and Biden and China...all there is IS GOD!


Eliah Alvarez: When I heard that interpretation after that clap, I was just so much seeing in the spiritual realm of what God has ordained and planned before the foundation of the world. This is His plan. This is His plan to have a people that will truly trust him...look to Him...walk in Him as He walks in them that He can have his Kingdom here on earth. And by the power of the Holy Spirit can this and this only be done. I was seeing a scripture and a couple of verses of what He's done to make this known to those who believe. And we have it because He's given us the Holy Spirit. In Him, we live and move and have our being.  1 Cor 2: 1-9


Micah Bell: "I can hear the prayers...individual prayers of a million individuals at one time. A million at one time...I can hear each of their individual  prayers."  So what I was seeing that when we pray in the spirit like this, everybody in a different tongue, there's that many more prayers going up to the Lord of various things that we don't even know unless He shows us.  But He hears each of us individually as we pray like this. Thank You Lord. You are Omnipetent. You're Omniniest. You are Omnipotent. 


Micah Bell: ...add My treasury. 


Eliah Alvarez: I was seeing something...I remember I saw it last year. but this time I saw it again, but this time I saw something being played out. I remember last year it was just an open was just sand. It was the earth. All of a sudden, right there in the middle, I saw this mouth sticking out of the earth and it was just speaking. I saw that last year. I saw it again and there was the mouth speaking...right then, I heard that that was our prayers that were going out. But this time, it was like sand...but it wasn't the color of sand because the sun was right there at the horizon...and the sand had a tint of red look. It was red. And then there was the mountain range and it was all dry.  There was nothing on grass. The whole plane, everything was was like a red color. And the mouth was speaking and I knew it was our prayers going up to the Lord...speaking and praying. And then all of a sudden I heard Him say, "I am going to come against...I shall judge and come against the imagination of man's eyes...of man's mind. I am coming against the mind of the imagination of man."  


And then I heard, "I am not a God of fantasy...I AM THE GOD OF heaven and earth and all creation. There is no fantasy with Me.


Jim Guehlstorf: for Micah...led to open my eyes and in front of me was Psalm 93: "The righteous will flourish like palm trees. They will grow like a cedar of Lebanon planted in the house of the Lord. It will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age. They will stay fresh and green proclaiming the Lord is upright. He is my rock and there is no wickedness in him. 


Eliah Alvarez: He was making it known to me that there is a work that he is doing in all of us...pregnant that we're going to birth. We're coming to the place of a birth. There's going to be a birth...the Lord God in the spiritual realm.


Micah bell: Through all the years as a minister, I never really knew what a prayer meeting should be like. But the Lord is saying, "this is what I've wanted."  God said, My House shall be a house of prayer. The primary focus of ministries is this. Because how is it then brethren when we come together, each of us has. I think the Lord has taught us as we begin to do this of what He wanted as far as prayer's concerned.


Eliah Alvarez:  Eliah referencing Linh Vo coming against the familiar spirit in Micah. There is a familiar spirit that has come at Micah. The Lord wanted to deal with that brother. That spirit didn't want that Psalm that Jim read to come forth. but that Psalm is alive. It's in you. That word is in you. And that's why she prayed that prayer for you. And I know it broke. It's the timing of the Lord for you brother.

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